
Tristan's first real "boo boo" he fell face forward onto the concrete when we were outside playing yesterday. Poor lil guy. he's doing well though and only a small layer of skin came off and its scabbed up already.

you can kind of see Michael's lump under his eye in these pictures and his new haircut!


April said...

ahhh Poor T!! :( Does he hit his head a lot? Turner is always bonking his head on something!

I can see the bump under Michael's eye! Does it hurt him or just kinda there?

Katie said...

he does hit his head a lot, but this is the first significant bump.

I think it does hurt him since he doesn't like me to go near it.

Leigh Ann said...

Poor Baby! Glad it's not too bad though.

Michael is getting so big and he really looks so much like you!